December 3, 2021
Dear Members, Please be informed of the new teste to Writ. Teste to Writ as of 17.11.2021
November 24, 2021
AGM.2021.Notice.18112021 Form.of.Proxy.AGM.2021 Advocates (Website) Rules 2021 – draft
November 11, 2021
Dear Members, Please be informed of the latest directive by the Registrar of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak effective 00:33, 11.11.2021 as appended below: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tuan/Puan, I respectfully refer the aforementioned subject. 2. Consequent to the meeting with the Right Honourable Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak and […]
November 11, 2021
Dear Members, We wish to remind you that Rule 59(1)(b) Advocates (Practice & Etiquette) Rules, 1988 states: “No advocate shall maintain a branch office unless the same is continuously manned by the advocate himself or one of the partners in his firm or by an advocate and wholly […]
September 27, 2021
YBhg. Tan Sri / Dato’ Sri / Dato’ / Datuk / Tuan, Dengan hormatnya saya merujuk perkara di atas. 2. Adalah saya diarahkan oleh YAA Tun Tengku Maimun binti Tuan Mat, Ketua Hakim Negara untuk memaklumkan bahawa bagi negeri-negeri yang telah dan akan memasuki Pelan Pemulihan Negara Fasa 4, Mahkamah […]
September 22, 2021
Dear Members, Please find Practice Direction 11/2021 in relation to remand proceedings under Section 117 of the CPC for your perusal and record. ARAHAN AMALAN KHN BIL 11 TAHUN 2021
June 3, 2021
Dear Members, Please find the operational guidelines for Sarawak Courts during the latest Movement Control Order for your record. GARIS PANDUAN PENGENDALIAN KES-KES DI MAHKAMAH NEGERI SARAWAK LANJUTAN DARIPADA PERINTAH KAWALAN PERGERAKAN (PKP) 01 JUN 2021 HINGGA 14 JUN 2021 DI MAHKAMAH-MAHKAMAH SARAWAK
June 3, 2021
Dear Members, Please find attached Practice Direction 8/2021 for your record. Arahan KHN Bil. 8 Tahun 2021
May 31, 2021
Dear Members, Please find herewith an email from the Chief Registrar of the Federal Court of Malaysia detailing court procedure for the period of lockdown effective 01.06.2021 for your kind attention. Arahan Amalan Ketua Hakim Negara Bilangan 1 Tahun 2021
May 18, 2021
Dear Advocates, The Advocates (Practice & Etiquette) Rules, 1988 (hereinafter referred to as “the said Rules”) is referred, especially the following Rules: Rule 45(1): Advocate not to advertise An advocate shall not solicit work or advertise either directly or indirectly, whether by circular, advertisements, touts, personal communications, interviews not warranted by personal […]