Pupillage Handbook (2nd Edition) 14.03.2022

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December 3, 2021
The Return Of The Informal Get Together – March, 2022
March 21, 2022

Pupillage Handbook (2nd Edition) 14.03.2022

Dear Pupils-in-Chambers,
We are pleased to inform you that the Young Lawyers Group (YBGK, Legal Aid, Law Awareness) Sub-Committee finalised the Pupillage Handbook [Second Edition as at 14 March 2022] with a view to guide you as you navigate through your pupillage. 
Do bear in mind that the contents of the Pupillage Handbook are by no means exhaustive. It is an on-going process as pupillage cultivates and develops over time. At the forefront of your pupillage, your Pupil Master is the most important individual and you shall be guided by your Pupil Master accordingly. 
The Pupillage Handbook [Second Edition] is attached herewith in this email for your reference. 
For Pupils-in-Chambers, please refer to pages 8 – 9 for Exemption Checklist and pages 15 – 17 for Admission Checklist. 
For Young Lawyers, please refer to page 19 for the Practising Certificate Checklist. 
Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss as to how to improve our Pupillage Handbook. 


Christine Lim
Assistant Secretary | Head of Young Lawyers Group (YBGK, Legal Aid, Law Awareness) Sub-Committee
The Advocates Association of Sarawak